C Programming  

C language is basically a general purpose language and by general purpose it
means that language developed to solve a variety of problems and it is popular
because of its powerful, machine independent or portable features it was said
that 'C' is the mother language of all programming languages as if you know 'C'
language you can study any language easily because C is a middle level language 
It has both simplicity of High level languages and power of low level language.

 History of C language:

 Behind every powerful aspect there is a history so C language has C was 
 developed by a great computer scientist Dennis Ritchie at AT and T 
 Bell laboratories.
 It was created from former languages ALGOL, BCPL and B programming languages. 
 As these languages paid an important role in the development of C language 
 so it contains all the features of these languages.
 'C' is a powerful programming language which is strongly associated with the 
 UNIX operating system. Even most of the UNIX operating system is coded 
 in 'C'.
Let's do some very important programs of C language.....

       Basic Programs

               1)     First Hello World Program.

             2)     Taking Input from user and printing it.

       Loop Programs

1)    Program to print Hello World  n times (n can be any digit) .

2)    Print Whole numbers up to 20 times.

3)    Print Natural numbers up to 20 times.

4)    Print Numbers in reverse from 10 to 0.

5)    Print even and odd numbers between 1 to 50.

6)    Program to print factorial of a given number.

7)    Program to print sum of digits to whole number up to 20.

8)    Program to print product of digits up to 10.

9)    Program to print digit of any number input by user.

(n=3456, the digits will be 6,5,4,3)

10)   Program to print sum of digits of any number input by user.

(n=3456 then sum of digit will be 6+5+4+3)

11)   Program to print reverse of any number.

(n=3456 then reverse is 6543)

12)   Program to print Fibonacci series

(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21…………nth term)

13)   Program to print Armstrong number  between 100 to 999.

14)   Program to count the digits in any number.

15)   Program to convert a binary number to decimal  number.


      If else and else if

1)      Program to check given number is even or odd.  

2)      Program to check given year is leap year or not.

3)      Program to check given number is negative or positive number.

4)      Program to print largest number among three numbers.

5)      Program to check given number is palindrome or not.

6)      Program to check given number is Armstrong or not.

7)      Program to check given number is prime or not.

8)      Program to find whether the alphabet is vowel or not.

     Hope You Like the Programs!!

     Please do share you comments and suggestions...


  1. Helpful☺️

    1. Thank you for your feedback ,stay tuned for other posts😊..

  2. Awesome....bset thing i got...thanks bro


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